Guía de Endo Moto y Endo Moto con Apex Locato

Guía de Endo Moto y Endo Moto con Apex Locato

09 de diciembre de 2022

En el pasado, los dentistas han estado fomando endodoncias con el uso de instrumentos manuales. Este método requiere mucho tiempo. Gracias al progreso de la tecnología y la ingeniería, los dentistas conocen nuevos equipos dentales para el tratamiento de canales----moto endodóntico. En este post, el auto daría una guía sobre el moto endodóntico.

¿Qué es un moto Endo?

El endomoto, especialmente el Moto endo con localizado de ápices is crucial equipment in modern endodontic treatment. Its main purpose is used fo assisting to reshape the root canal system ---- filling the root canal system to prevent re-infection and promote healing. There are multiple types of the moto endodóntico with varied specifications.

6 factoes que te ayudarán a comprar el moto endo adecuado?

Como profesional, ya conoces la impotancia del endomoto. Pero, es posible que no tenga idea de elegir el best endo moto with apex locato o moto endodóntico. In this part, the autho would list 6 factos that you need to pay attention to when you plan to purchase one fo your clinics.

¿Es rotativo?

When it comes to surgery, the risk of complications is inevitable. In endodontics surgery, there is a series of potential risks such as ledge fomation and root perfoation. Rotary endo moto and reciprocation endo are the two majo types in this categoy. The rotary endo moto is a better option because it could decrease the risk of complications during the surgery and effectively shape the root canal system.

Speed and Toque Control

An endomoto with speed and toque control is the key to completely controlling instrumentation. However, an endo moto at higher speeds offers better cutting efficiency meanwhile increase the possibility of causing instrument separation and fracture. Therefoe, you need to consider the combination of speed and toque control. The autho would list a chart to present the specific ideal (right) toque.
Smaller & Lesser Taper Lower Toque Value
Cono más grande y mayor Higher Toque Value

¿Ya sea Auto?

Dental endo moto with auto-function features could make endodontic procedures easier and reduce the risk of complications.

La compatibilidad con File

Although most manufacturers of moto endodónticos usually recommend using files of their brand to achieve the best perfomance, we can not neglect the impotance of other file systems. It is because you can not abandon the existing files in your clinics.


This is another element that has to be considered befoe you buy an endo moto fo dental treatment. Most endo motos are typically equipped with rechargeable batteries made of nickel metal hydride (NiMH) o lithium-ion (Li-ion). They are similar in the amount of power but different in the charging and discharging factos. The Li-ion batteries have better speed in charging and discharging than NiMH batteries. By the way, the Li-ion batteries

Built-in Apex Locato

Currently, the endo moto is also get developed into an endo moto with built in apex locato. Este nuevo producto mejoraría la eficiencia de la cirugía, ya que reduce los dispositivos necesarios mientras se llevan a cabo los procedimientos de tratamiento de conducto.


The moto endodóntico is the modern dental equipment to accurately detect the canal terminus and help to dentists determine endodontic files with constant and precise toque suited to the canal being treated. It could be a histoic invention in dental histoy. And, the advanced version of the endo moto---- Moto endo con localizado de ápices es actualmente un equipo dental ideal.